
Tony Conrad Collection no. 19)


Pauline Oliveros

Table of the Elements
[Iodine] TOE-CD-53
Compact disc

Minimalist composer and founding member of the Deep Listening Band, Pauline Oliveros is known for creating pulsating soundscapes and sonic meditations. In these premier recordings, however, she engages a more aggressive, electric sound with assistance from Anne Bourne, Andrew Deutsch, Scott Olson, fellow minimalists Tony Conrad and Alex Gelencser, and Gastr Del Sol's David Grubbs. Within a strategic modulation processed through a low-frequency oscillator, Conrad's violin, Grubbs' harmonium, and Oliveros' signature accordion drone and enthrall.

“The guiding metaphor of Primordial Lift structures the musicians' performances, mirroring the resonate frequency of the earth and its acceleration from 7.8 to 13hz and beyond. In 1994 the frequency was already at 8.6 and 13hz will be achieved by 2010, at which point the magnetic fields of the earth will pass through a zero point and a polar shift will occur. The acceleration from 7.8 to 13hz is 'Primordial'; 13hz and beyond is 'Lift.'"

"On some level, music, sound consciousness and religion are all one, and Ms. Oliveros would seem to be very close to that level."
New York Times